One Hundred Treasures from the Banco de la República art collection


The most important and representative works by Colombian artists, and which are part of the collection of the Miguel Urrutia Art Museum (MAMU), have been reproduced in a 224-page book by the Banco de la República. Titled One Hundred Treasures of the Miguel Urrutia Art Museum, author and curator Darío Jaramillo Agudelo selected from 6,000 artworks for their unique visual narratives, time period and international recognition; among them Mandolin on a chair by Fernando Botero, Violencía by Alejandro Obregón, Barequera by Pedro Nel Gómez and Mute Portraits by Beatriz González. The book also covers more than two centuries, from the colonial period with a detailed representation of the Custody of the Church of San Ignacio de Bogotá (La Lechuga) by José de Galaz, to Débora Arango’s 19th Century watercolors and paintings and more recently, contemporaries Bernardo Salcedo, Doris Salcedo and Luis Caballero.

Having managed the Banco de la República’s collection for two decades, art historian Darío Jaramillo affirms that the book was not created for “specialists, but rather tasters of art” and offers readers, from beginners to experts, an opportunity to appreciate the creative talent and diversity of the country.

The Banco de la República began its collection in 1958 with just three works and has grown to include sculpture, multi-media installations and photography.

The book will be available in English and Spanish and can be purchased at the El Estante store at the Miguel Urrutia Art Museum. The virtual book launch takes place March 15 (5:00 p.m) on the Facebook page of the Banco de la República: @BanRepcultural.



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