Colombia and Sweden mark 150 Years of diplomatic relations

Colombia's ARC Gloria in Stockholm harbour for the 150-year celebration of diplomatic relations. Photo: Presidencia

To celebrate 150 years of diplomatic relations between Colombia and Sweden, the Swedish Embassy in Bogotá hosted a reception with members of the Swedish community resident in the country, business leaders representing Swedish companies in Colombia, friends of the foreign mission, as well as diplomats from other Embassies.

The Bogotá reception was held in celebration of Sweden’s National Day on June 6 and a historic milestone that highlights a long-standing partnership driven by a shared vision of peace, equality, innovation, democracy, and sustainable development.

The friendship between Colombia and Sweden is illustrated by numerous stories of collaboration. From a Swede and a Colombian participating together in the liberation campaign of Simón Bolivar, to pioneering efforts in scientific diplomacy, the relationship has been robust and multifaceted. Sweden’s consistent support for Colombia’s peace efforts further underscores this enduring alliance.

“More than a century and a half ago, we began to weave this friendship. The desire for freedom, the longing to build a just, balanced, and respectful society for the planet are some of the threads with which we have forged an unbreakable bond,” stated Helena Storm, the Swedish Ambassador to Colombia. “Sweden is a partner of democracy, transparency, equality, peace, respect for Human Rights, biodiversity, and sustainable development. How could we not be a partner of Colombia?”

The relationship between the two countries has facilitated continuous collaboration across various fields, including political, commercial, academic, migratory, cultural, and development cooperation. “Many know Colombia for being the most biodiverse country per square kilometer in the world; others for the Nobel Prize in Literature, Gabriel García Márquez; others for its coffee or its flowers. We, from Sweden, in addition to all the above, also know Colombia as a leading regional ally,” continued Ambassador Storm. “We will continue to work for equality, democracy, peace, and human rights. We will continue to talk about press freedom in the Amazon and territories, equality for women, sustainable innovation, and teamwork with Swedish companies and local talent. We will continue to be Sweden, Colombia’s Sustainable Partner.”

As part of the celebrations, the Embassy launched two commemorative publications that highlight the historical ties of the bilateral relationship, both in commercial and development cooperation spheres. These documents will be available online to the general public.

In addition to the formal event, a business fair featuring ten prominent Swedish companies operating in Colombia had its own showcase. Companies such as Volvo Cars, Volvo Group, AstraZeneca, Scania, Saab, Education First, Securitas, Essity – Grupo Familia, KLM, and Epiroc presented their contributions to strengthening the bilateral relationship.

A special guest of the celebration included a concert of Jon Henrik Fjällgren, a Colombian-born, Swedish-raised artist from the Sami indigenous community. Fjällgren, known for his unique joik music style, gave the reception a unique cultural touch. “With Jon Henrik’s performance, attendees learned about joik, an artistic expression of the Sami people, considered one of the oldest musical forms in Europe,” stated Ambassador Storm.

The event and ongoing celebrations throughout the year can be followed via the official hashtag #LaHistoriaQueEscribimosJuntos, encouraging broader engagement and recognition of this historic partnership.

The reception preceeded the first official visit to Stockholm of President Petro where, in Stockholm, he signed an important bilateral agreement with his Swedish counterpart, Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson.

Sweden’s Ambassador to Colombia, Helena Storm delivers the keynote during the Bogotá reception. Photo: María Claudia Peña.

Accompanying Petro during the state visit was Colombia’s tall-ship ARC Gloria, and iconic venue for the signing between President Petro and Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson of a “Joint Declaration of Bilateral Association Sweden-Colombia”.

The agreement emphasizes cooperation in areas of mutual interest, including peace, climate action, and economic decarbonization. Captain César Iregui of ARC Gloria highlighted the pride and responsibility carried by the crew. “This mission reaffirms the Gloria’s role as Colombia’s ambassador on the world’s seas. Colombians have recognized and cherished this symbol,” he said.

The joint declaration is seen as a strategic move to bolster bilateral relations and facilitate collaborative efforts in addressing global challenges. “Signing agreements of such strategic importance for Colombia is a significant challenge and opportunity. It showcases the capabilities of the Gloria as a diplomatic tool and supports Colombia’s foreign policy objectives,” Captain Iregui added.

Since departing on March 1, ARC Gloria visited seven ports and is scheduled to stop at three more before returning to Cartagena on August 9. The voyage is integral to the training of future naval officers, with approximately 150 students receiving essential maritime training.

President Petro, aboard ARC Gloria, also emphasized the significance of this diplomatic mission. “Our history, cultural, political, and social voice, and my representation as Colombia’s president are conveying important messages to the world, particularly about peace,” he stated.

The president also noted the focus of Colombia’s diplomatic relations with Sweden on shared interests. “Our discussions with the Swedish Parliament, King Carl XVI Gustaf, and Queen Silvia centered on life preservation, overcoming the climate crisis, and fostering peace,” Petro highlighted.

Colombian President Gustavo Petro and Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson sign the Bilateral Accord on board the ARC Gloria. Photo: Presidencia.

“Democracy, social justice, and peace are synonymous in both our histories. It’s regrettable that the world is mired in conflict when united efforts are crucial to address the climate crisis,” remarked the Colombian President.

Prime Minister Kristersson echoed these sentiments and ratified the importance of a bilateral relationship in addressing global challenges. “The agreement signifies a commitment to working together towards sustainable development and peace,” stated the Prime Minister.

As ARC Gloria continues its voyage, the significance of this diplomatic milestone resonates with both Colombian and Swedish citizens. The shared vision for a peaceful, sustainable future underscores the enduring bond between the two nations.

The Swedish reception: Ulla Fjällgren, Ambassador Helena Storm,Jon Henrik Mario Fjällgren, Maria Elisabeth Andersson.
Guests of the Swedish reception included: Jorge Camacho, Anna Zsófia-Vitézy, Ambassador of Hungry, Juan Carlos Restrepo. Photo: María Claudia Peña.
Left to right: Diana Puerto, Pierre Farkas, Executive Director SAAB Colombia, Claudia Rivera. Photo: María Claudia Peña.
Representatives of foreign missions in Colombia included: Lucas Abeledo, Consular Officer, Eva Bjerre Carstensen, First Secretary of Danish Embassy. Photo: María Claudia Peña.
Business leaders from prominent Swedish companies in Colombia. Photo: María Claudia Peña.
In the picture: Gloría Gutiérrez and Bibiana Aido.