‘Supermoon’ Sunday: Watch the eclipse in Colombia

Blood Supermoon eclipse
This shot of a rare blood red Supermoon was taken over the Colombian capital, Bogotá at 9:50 pm on Sunday, September 27th, 2015.

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]f weather permits, on Sunday, September 27th, starting at 7:11 pm Bogotá Time you will able to see the Supermoon lunar eclipse from almost all regions across Colombia.

This is the first celestial happening of this kind in more than 30 years. In fact, this is the 5th time in more that a century that a Supermoon lunar eclipse occurs. The last one turned up in 1982.

Lunar eclipses are frequent. They occur at least twice a year. What is rare in this case, is that the eclipse will coincide with a ‘Supermoon’, which means it will be about 31,000 miles closer to earth in its perennial ecliptic path, known as perigee, which happens once a year.

[quote]The eclipse will coincide with a ‘Supermoon’, which means it will be about 31,000 miles closer to earth…[/quote]

According to Noah Petro, deputy project scientist for the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, “Its looming proximity makes the moon appear 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter in the sky than an apogee full moon, which sparked the term ‘Supermoon’.”

The moon is 239,000 miles from earth.

According to NASA, the reason the moon could appear red depends on the earth’s shadow, which stretches almost a million miles into space.

Depending on how much dust, water, and other particles are in atmosphere, as well as factors such as temperature and humidity, you might be able to see it rusty red or orange.

But, even if clouds give way to a limelight yellow eclipse, enjoy this extraordinary event. The next super moon eclipse will happen in 2033. The sunset in Colombia is scheduled to start at 5:50 pm, at which time you can start enjoying the super moon.

The eclipse will approximately three hours, beginning 7:11 pm Bogota time. The total eclipse phase begins at 9:11 pm, peaking at 9:47 pm and lasting 1 hour and eleven minutes.

The weather forecast for Bogotá is surprisingly favorable to enjoy this event, with broken clouds for Sunday night. Also expect partially clear skies in Medellín and Cartagena. Anticipate passing clouds in Manizales and Pereira, and cloudy skies in Cali and Cucuta. However, in Santa Marta and Bucaramanga it may difficult to see the moon given the predicted rain showers. Check your weather app for the latest weather information.

Where and how to watch the Supermoon eclipse:

You can enjoy the eclipse from anywhere in the city. No protective gear is necessary.

Bogotá’s Institute for Arts and recreation, IDARTES, is organizing an Eclipse Event in the Normandía Park (Calle 52A with Cra. 53), from 2:00 pm to 10:00 pm. Workshops, conferences, activities and performances for children and adults will be offered. There’s free admission until a full capacity is reached. Attendees are encouraged to take their own telescopes and food. No restaurant services will be offered. Dress warm for the chilly Bogotá night. Temperature expected to be near 7º celcius or 44 degrees fahrenheit.

 The Observatory of the University of El Bosque is offering students and alumni the chance to enjoy the phenomenon from 7:30 pm to 11:30 pm. The event is free but people must subscribe through the university’s website here. You can also stream the event clicking on Universidad El Bosque.

You can also watch NASA’s live stream from 7:00 pm until 10:30 pm. Mitzi Adams, a NASA solar physicist at Marshall will discuss the eclipse and answer questions through Twitter. To ask a question, use #AskNASA.

The Planetario de Bogotá will be open to the public as usual. No special activities are planned Sunday evening on the premises.


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