The UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) has updated its Colombia map as part of its June 2019 travel advisory. With large swathes of the country in green compared with the same map of 2016, and no red circles signifying “advise against all travel” Colombia’s Foreign Ministry welcomed the improved security situation of the country with the FCO.
The FCO’s wording in the summary advises against all “essential” travel to specific departments, including Arauca and Guaviare, (except their capital cities); Chocó (except Quibdó, Nuquí, Bahía Solano and Capurganá); Ariari region of southern Meta (except tourist site of Caño Cristales); South Pacific, Sanquianga and Telembi regions of Nariño; Western region of Cauca; Buenaventura in department of Valle del Cauca; Urabá and Bajo Cauca regions of Antioquia; regions of Southern-Bolívar and Southern-Córdoba; Catatumbo region of Norte de Santander; Orito, San Miguel, Valle del Guamuez, Puerto Caicedo, Puerto Guzmán, Puerto Asis and Puerto Leguizamo in Putumayo; Cartagena del Chairá, San Vicente del Caguán, Puerto Rico, El Doncello, Paujil and La Montañita in Caquetá; municipality of Puerto Carreño in Vichada, except the departmental capital; within 5km of Venezuelan and Ecuadorian borders, except border crossing on Pan-American highway at Ipiales.