Ashley Poulos: ” I am deeply saddened for the family of Valentina Trespalacios”

Ashley Poulos and then-husband John Poulos with their three children. FILE

The City Paper has obtained from attorney Rebecca K. Millenbach of the law firm Nelson, Krueger & Millenbach LLC., a statement of Ashley Poulos, John Nelson Poulos’ ex-wife.

We reproduce the text by Ashley Poulos, dated February 2, 2023, in its entirety.

It reads as follows:

“There has been a lot of misinformation surrounding John and his family here in the United States and I feel it is necessary that the correct information is reported.

John and I were married in 2009 and have three amazing children.  Our oldest battled cancer at the age of four.  The relationship between John and I was abusive, which led me to file for divorce in 2021.  Shortly before I filed for divorce, John transferred our entire marital estate to an offshore trust leaving the family with nothing. Shortly after establishing the trust, John left the United States living in several European Countries including Cyprus, Turkey and Ukraine. Most recently, I was made aware that he was vacationing in Colombia while working and establishing a residence in Texas.

John abandoned his children and has not seen them in person since he left Wisconsin in January, 2021.  His actions have led to a horrific divorce process which is still on-going.  John has represented himself as a “sovereign citizen” throughout the divorce process incurring no legal fees himself but causing me to incur thousands of dollars in attorney and guardian ad litem fees.  Despite being ordered to pay child support, he has refused to do so.  Just yesterday, the judge in our pending divorce case issued a bench warrant for his arrest.  While I knew that John was in Columbia for the past few months, through social media posts, I was not aware of this double life he was leading.

I am deeply saddened for the family of Valentina Trespalacios and for all those involved in this tragedy.  I further request that the privacy of myself and my children are respected as we navigate this process.

I will make no further comment”.