“Colombia Flourishes” orchid show tributes 80-years of the Cattleya Trianae


As a tribute to the 80 years since Cattleya Trianae became Colombia’s national flower, the botanical gardens of Bogotá José Celestino Mutis is showing its colors with the XV National Orchid Show.

In association with the Asociación Bogotana de Orquideología (ABO) visitors will be able to appreciate and learn about some of the 4,200 species that grow across Colombia, from the páramos of our high altitude wetlands to steamy tropical rainforests. Some 1,000 plants from across this nation are on display and protagonists of an exhibition whose slogan “Colombia Florece” (Colombia Flourishing) is timely, given all the news regarding a country embracing a peaceful future.

From the lithophytes that cling to rocks to flowering epiphytes on trees, Colombia is orchid-diverse, with the Andes, Pacific and Orinoco, the three regions where most orchids can be found. Plant collectors and orchid clubs from the departments of Valle del Cauca, Risaralda, Antioquia, Caldas and Cauca are in the capital with some of their most rare and beautiful species. There is even a “Bogotá orchid” with tiny black spots covering its yellow petals.

Even though it is always a treat to wander among the many species of “Colombia Florece”, enthusiasts can also sit in on lectures, try some origami in a workshop and enjoy an outdoor concert by the Bogotá Philharmonic Orchestra’s youth band at 2 p.m. Sunday, September 25.

For this 15th edition of the exhibition, the José Celestino Mutis launched “Las Orquídeas del Jardín Botánico,” an illustrated book with over 100 pages dedicated to the plants on display, as well as a special section dedicated to our “Flor de Mayo” – May Flower – Colombia’s emblem of beauty and national pride, the Cattleya Trianae.

The admission price for children (age 3 to 12) is $5,000 pesos. For adults $12,000 and seniors $10,000. The exhibition is open from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Jardín Botanico de Bogotá – Avenida Calle 63 No. 68-95


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