Nadin Ospina opening at El Museo gallery

Artist Nadin Ospina and Elvira Mejía. Photo: The City Paper

The Galeria El Museo inaugurated three exhibits on Saturday, September 17, showcasing the works of artist Nadín Ospina with La preponderancia de lo pequeño – or in English The preponderance of the small; Edwin Monsalve’s Las Últimas Cosas or The Last Things; and, the collective Al mismo tiempo y sin embargo (At the same time and yet) by Laura Montoya, Daniela Serna and Silvia Triana.

Open until October 15, the gallery offers audiences the opportunity to get up-close and personal with different visual narratives on issues that challenge these artists, who try to make sense of the world today through their artistic expressions.

For artist Nadín Ospina, his work looks to draw attention to the otherness, or those “beings, elements of nature and humanity that we don’t take in to consideration nor have the generosity to share our selves with.”

“In this exhibit, birds, apart from being a biological representation of the animal, they are, in a totemic sense, the representation of those human beings that we do not see, to whom we do not pay enough attention to, and they become the vessel through which they draw attention to the concept of otherness,” he explained.

Ospina’s work is the result of profound realizations granted by isolation during Covid, and the unspoken realities that emerged in a new bounded and short lived way of life. His showcase consists of a series of miniature sculptures of birds and audiovisual reel inspired by the flora of the 30-year-long Royal Botanical Expedition lead by José Celestino Mutis in Colombia during the late 19th Century and beginning of the 20 Century.

“The digital prints of the botanical expedition draw attention to the biodiversity and the richness of the natural elements of Latin America and of Colombia, in particular. The Botanical Expedition, in this audiovisual representation, has a very particular meaning that also calls for us to look again at those elements of nature that we do not value,” Ospina explained.

As a multilayer approach to the art scene, Nadín Ospina shares the gallery’s space with artist Edwin Monsalve, who intervenes and interprets photographic images to call on the failure of the pillars of the modern economic model such as coal, oil and gold.

As explained by Gallería El Museo, “Monsalve develops a minimalist inventory in which the geography of the landscape and the actions that modify it become essential geometry that synthesizes the different materials that he has been investigating in his projects: gold, silver, copper, oil and coal.”

The exhibit Al mismo tiempo y sin embargo (At the same time and yet) by Laura Montoya, Daniela Serna and Silvia Triana is the result of the invitation by the gallery to the artists to participate as individuals to create a collective work that explores the concept of holding on to the infinite and ever present sense of time, and all that is in it.

In the words of Sol Astrid Giraldo Escobar,in their individual proposals (and in the collective one that is the exhibition), they transform the white cube into an observatory. They sow time. They chase it with lines that move like birds, that grow like trees, that spread like branches”.

Artist Nadin Ospina and Elvira Mejía. Photo: The City Paper
Sylvia Montaño, El Museo gallery owner Fernando Pradilla and artist Marina Sánchez. Photo:The City Paper
Collective exhibit artists Daniela Serna and Laura Montoya pose in front of the work of fellow artist Silvia Triana. PH: The City Paper
Leonor Uribe, Eugenia Cárdenas Silva, Camila Urdaneta, Cristina Pignalosa and Denise Michelsen. Photo: The City Paper
Sebastian Dávila, Natalia Solano (with pet Golfo María). Photo: The City Paper
Flavia Rosales, artist Nadín Ospina, Diana Múnera and fashion designer Ángel Yañez.